The weight is not visible in this video because it is suspended on the outside of the shed (see picture below — click to enlarge). It was only connected for about 30 minutes and the surf was so high that day that I lost one connection to the barrel. Hence, the movement of the weight was disappointingly small. This was on May 4, 2009 and was the last day of the project before I had to leave Guinea.
Video of Land Based Generator
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The audio on this video explains it. Again, focus on the how calm the sea was. The purpose here was to better illustrate the concept. Imagine moving such a weight
The Land Unit GeneratorThe Land Unit Generator
The picture below shows the land based generating device which was installed in a small shed on the shore of the island. A video available on the right shows some
Feb 11, 2009 video of working prototypeFeb 11, 2009 video of working prototype
This video was taken on February 11, 2009, on Room Island, near Conakry, Guinea in West Africa. It shows the movement of several heavy truck flyweels, connected by steel cable